    HomeThemesEconomic Growth and Inclusive Development

    Economic Growth and Inclusive Development

    EU Blacklisting: a catalyst for setting up a regulatory framework for the financing of political parties

      Raj Makoond, Program Director - Eclosia & Chairman of the Financial Services Institute In this paper, Raj Makoond reviews the limited legislative changes that have...

    State of democracy in Africa: changing leaders doesn’t change politics

      Nic Cheeseman, University of Birmingham For the last few years the African political landscape has been dominated by high profile changes of leaders and governments....

    « Fake News » : Pourquoi s’en soucier?

      Rabin Bhujun, Fondateur et Lead Consultant RelateInc.  Les « fake news » prennent de l’ampleur et leurs dégâts réels restent encore à mesurer. Elles ont...

    Africa has a growing food security problem: why it can’t be fixed without proper data

      Simon Roberts, University of Johannesburg and Jason Bell, University of Johannesburg The COVID-19 pandemic and consequent lockdown measures have had a huge negative impact on...

    COVID-19 and the Opportunity of a New Social Contract for Mauritius

      Roukaya Kasenally, Associate Professor in Media and Political Systems, University of Mauritius In her research on the Mauritian democratic system, Roukaya Kasenally highlights a system that...

    Pandemic underscores burden women carry doing paid and unpaid reproductive labour

      Odile Mackett, University of the Witwatersrand Debates about women’s unpaid reproductive labour have been going on since the first woman received cash for her services....

    Leadership, Culture and Networks: the Charles Telfair Campus’ transition to online delivery during COVID-19

      Office for Innovation, Learning, Teaching and Research (ILTR), Charles Telfair Campus - Odylle Charoux, Director of Innovation and Change Management; Shafiiq Gopee, Head, Office...

    Design global, manufacture local: a new industrial revolution?

      Vasilis Kostakis, Harvard University and Jose Ramos, Victoria University What if globally designed products could radically change how we work, produce and consume? Several examples...

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