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    Economic Growth and Inclusive Development

    Global poverty: coronavirus could drive it up for the first time since the 1990s

    Andy Sumner, King's College London; Christopher Hoy, Australian National University, and Eduardo Ortiz-Juarez, King's College London   As COVID-19 slows in developed countries, the virus’s spread...

    EU Blacklisting: macroeconomic blow in a pandemic era

      Ibrahim Malleck, Managing Partner, Ebonia Capital   The decision of the EU to put Mauritius on its list of Third Countries having strategic deficiencies in their...

    The Coronavirus calls for a Tech-inspired Economic Rethink

      Zaheer Allam, Urban Strategist, The Port Louis Development Initiative   Technology has the potential to be a tool as well as a mean for a faster...

    Intervention de l’Etat au capital des entreprises : quelles leçons du Fonds Stratégique d’Investissement (FSI) pour Maurice ?

    Gilles Michel, Président, Charles Telfair Institute, Ex Directeur Général du Fonds Stratégiques d’Investissement Francais.   A l’instar de celle du Covid-19, beaucoup des crises économiques récentes...

    Coronavirus won’t kill globalisation – but a shakeup is inevitable

    Jun Du, Aston University; Agelos Delis, Aston University; Mustapha Douch, Aston University, and Oleksandr Shepotylo, Aston University   The COVID-19 pandemic is now expected to trigger...

    The Beginning of the End for Oil?

    Michael Kare, Five College professor emeritus of peace and world security studies.   Deadly, disruptive, and economically devastating as COVID-19 has proved to be, in retrospect...

    Past experience of Disaster Risk Management can help Mauritius in tackling the COVID-19 crisis

    Philippe Boullé Former director, United Nations Secretariat for the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction  The effects of COVID-19 extend far beyond the health sector. The pandemic...

    What future do airlines have? Three experts discuss

    Darren Ellis, Cranfield University, Jorge Guira, University of Reading, and Roger Tyers, University of Southampton Airlines face an unprecedented international crisis in the wake of...

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