The Charles Telfair Centre is an entity of the Charles Telfair Campus Ltd.
Privacy Policy
You can review our privacy policy here.
All contributions in the format of articles, podcasts or videos are protected by the Mauritius Copyrights Act 1994 and published under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-noDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND), unless specified otherwise.
All other content on the website is, unless specified otherwise, the property of the Charles Telfair Campus Ltd.
Contributors policy
Views and opinions expressed by our contributors are specific to them. The Charles Telfair Centre is institutionally independent and does not take position on topics. We support the intellectual independence of our contributors and the ideas expressed by contributors on the platform do not necessarily reflect or represent those of the Charles Telfair Centre, its staff or any other organisation.
We publish material on the Charles Telfair Centre website under the following conditions:
- Any contribution will go through an editorial check and we reserve the right to suggest modifications prior to publication, or, to refuse publication.
- You agree that your material be published under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-noDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND). This gives us an irrevocable and royalty-free worldwide license to publish your submitted contribution. This license also allows other parties to publish or communicate your submitted contribution provided the content is unchanged.
- You pledge that your contribution is your own original work and that your own the copyright or any other relevant rights.
- You pledge that your contribution is non-defamatory and within the frame of the law.
- If you breach conditions 2, 3 and 4 you agree to indemnify us in full against any third-party liabilities, claims, costs, loss or damage we incur as a result of your breach of conditions.
- By contributing to the site you agree to abide by our community standards.
We reserve to right to remove any contribution and contributors that are in breach of our terms and conditions.
We accept no liability in respect of any material published by us and we are not responsible for its content and accuracy.
General Guidelines for authors
- We are looking for contributions that are independent in thought, rooted in rigorous analysis and systematically referenced.
- Contributions should be around 1,000 to 1,500 words in length.
- Contributions can be in English or French.
- Contributors may wish to opt for an alternative format such as a podcast or webinar. We are happy to explore different format options with contributors.
Links to third party sites
Links to third party sites posted in this website are not under the control of the Charles Telfair Centre. The Charles Telfair Centre cannot be held responsible for the content of any linked sites. The inclusion of any links on this website is not an endorsement of the content of these sites.
Community standards
Note: views expressed by community members in the comments sections of this site do not necessarily reflect or represent the views of the Charles Telfair Centre, its staff or contributors.
We wish to foster constructive, respectful and inclusive exchanges within our community of participants. To help us achieve that, we expect all community participants to abide by the following guidelines:
- When posting on the comments section we welcome debates, but, as a community member we encourage you to engage respectfully, on-topic and in the pursuit of developing intelligent exchanges. Kindly note that we will not tolerate personal attacks and inflammatory messages.
- Be sensitive and take the time to consider the impact your words may have on others. Make sure to respect other people’s views and opinions when commenting or responding to comments.
- To protect our participants, we reserve the right to remove content that is deemed offensive, threatening, discriminatory, misleading, off-topic, or that are commercial/spam-like in nature. Kindly note that we will also remove posts that share personal information of another person without their consent.
- Please make sure you keep your contributions legal. We will need to remove any content that may expose the Charles Telfair Centre to legal risks, such as defamatory postings, or material posted in potential breach of copyright.
- We encourage you to take the time to write your post clearly to minimise misunderstandings. Humour does not always translate well in text so make sure to be attentive to your tone.
- We kindly ask for your support in fostering quality exchanges and an inclusive community by reporting any post you believe violates these community standards.
If you have any question on our moderation process, you can e-mail us on
Moderation policy
To ensure our community standards are respected we will practice some level of moderation.
We will moderate comments but will rely importantly on community members to report abuse to our community standards. You may report abuse by sending an email to
We will remove any post in breach of our community guidelines and our terms and conditions.