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    Mobilizing Corporate Assets for Sustainable Development



    Carl Manlan, Vice President of Inclusive Impact and Sustainability at Visa CEMEA.


    DUBAI – The last Sustainable Development Goal is, in some ways, the most important. Recognizing that all other SDGs can be met only through collaboration, SDG17 includes targets such as the mobilization of financial resources for developing countries from multiple sources and the promotion of partnerships among public, private, and other stakeholders. But, less than eight years from the SDGs’ 2030 deadline, official development assistance continues to dominate the narrative about structural economic transformation.

    In 2021, net ODA by members of the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD totaled just under $179 billion. That is less than 4.5% of the $4.2 trillion shortfall in financing required to support the achievement of the SDGs. And while countries agreed in 2015, when the SDGs were adopted, to raise ODA to 0.7% of gross national income by 2030, they remain far from reaching that target. Meanwhile, more than $100 trillion in assets under management worldwide can be leveraged to accelerate development.

    Beyond the difference in scale, the public and private sectors tend to target different aspects of the development continuum. For example, ODA might be channeled toward improving health outcomes, whereas investment is more likely to spur growth in a particular sector, such as agriculture.

    Achieving the SDGs by 2030 is improbable, but if corporations reimagine and deepen their community impact, we can make great strides toward sustainable development. Key to this process will be support for small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), which in developing and developed countries alike generate employment, drive income growth, and advance poverty reduction. In emerging economies, SMEs account for seven out of ten jobs, and formal SMEs contribute up to 40% of GDP, with the figure rising much higher if one also includes informal businesses.

    Women-led SMEs play a particularly important role. Companies like Koolboks in Nigeria and Hoa Nang in Vietnam hire talented young people, help reduce gender disparities, and reinvest the wealth they generate in their communities. Such firms – and SMEs more broadly – form the backbone of sustainable and resilient development, rooted in communities and offering ample opportunities to connect to global value chains. By acquiring talent and devising innovative solutions to existing problems, businesses that start small can grow into dynamic and influential economic actors that create more wealth for communities, not least by providing better employment opportunities to more workers.

    Here, it is worth noting that an estimated 500 million jobs will be needed by 2030 to absorb the growing global workforce. But, to create so many jobs, SMEs need capital to grow and become more resilient. As it stands, they often struggle to access financing.

    There is a role for ODA here. But donor governments around the world are confronting intensifying fiscal headwinds in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and, more recently, the energy and food crises triggered by the war in Ukraine. The private sector must take a leading role in providing the necessary financing.

    This implies a paradigm shift, whereby capital (and aid) allocation drives development through investment in employment and wealth creation. Special attention must be paid to women-run businesses, which currently account for 40% of SMEs in Africa, but receive just 1% of venture capital funds.

    Some progress already is being made on this front. For example, the Nigeria-based Aruwa Capital Management, founded and led by women, invests in rapidly growing companies that either provide essential goods and services to the “female economy” or businesses that are founded or co-founded by women or have gender-diverse teams. And the Corporate Impact Investing Initiative can unlock more capital for SMEs, especially those led by women.

    Such efforts can help to create a new generation of “Nana Benz” women – who controlled at least 40% of informal-sector business in Togo from 1976 to 1984 – but on a much larger scale. Investing in SMEs in fast-growing markets, such as the African Continental Free Trade Area, will accelerate the pace of transformation.

    This is not charity; such investment will bring major financial returns. Studies show that purpose-driven companies outperform their peers, not least because young people – who overwhelmingly believe that social issues, from racial justice to the environment, must shape corporate decision-making – are more likely to support them.

    At the same time, we must recognize that the most profitable investments are often long-term – even intergenerational – ventures. We might not enjoy the fruits in our lifetimes, but we must cultivate them anyway, in order to nourish our descendants and provide the seeds for future prosperity.

    Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2022.

    Main Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.

    Charles Telfair Centre is an independent nonpartisan not for profit organisation and does not take specific positions. All views, positions, and conclusions expressed in our publications are solely those of the author(s).

    The Key to Unlocking Africa’s Economic Potential



    Landry Signé, Professor and Executive Director at Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University in Washington, DC, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, and Distinguished Fellow at Stanford University.


    WASHINGTON, DC – Africa is on the cusp of an economic transformation. By 2050, consumer and business spending on the continent is expected to reach roughly $16.1 trillion. The coming boom offers tremendous opportunities for global businesses – especially US companies looking for new markets. But unless African policymakers remove existing barriers to regional trade and investment, the continent’s economy will struggle to reach its true potential.

    Two major trade agreements – the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) – will make it easier for African countries to trade with one another, and with the United States. Together, the agreements promise to remove longstanding impediments to industrialization.

    AGOA, passed by the US Congress in 2000, gives countries in Sub-Saharan Africa preferential trade access, allowing them to export tariff-free products to the US. Although it will expire in 2025, US President Joe Biden’s Sub-Saharan Africa strategy, unveiled in August, highlights its positive impact and promises to work with Congress on ways to proceed after AGOA lapses.

    AfCFTA, on the other hand, is an intra-African trade agreement with no expiration date. Established in 2018, its goal is to deepen trade ties between African countries by removing tariff and non-tariff barriers.

    Although these agreements’ scope, focus, beneficiaries, and structure differ significantly from each other, they are essential to strengthening African regional integration. Rather than viewing them as separate or competing agreements, policymakers and investors should recognize how they can complement each other in creating, sustaining, and transforming value chains across the continent.

    Value creation is critical to Africa’s economic transformation. In 2014, manufactured goods accounted for about 41.9% of the trade between African countries, compared to 14.8% of their exports to the rest of the world. Greater regional integration will provide Africa with a larger supply market, which will accelerate manufacturing specialization and make African producers more competitive globally. More robust manufacturing industries will provide jobs for low-skilled workers – particularly those not currently integrated into the formal economy. This, in turn, will increase average household incomes, boost domestic demand, spur innovation and diversification, and help protect local economies against external shocks.

    AGOA has already created some opportunities for cross-border value chains. Yet despite some success stories like Madagascar’s apparel industry, which relies on an extensive regional supply chain, such opportunities remain limited. While integration has improved since AGOA’s implementation, particularly since 2015, it remains somewhat superficial: less than 17% of Africa’s commercial value is currently generated through intra-African trade.

    The real game changer is the AfCFTA. By removing tariffs for a wide range of products across the continent, it will lower production costs and shift foreign direct investment toward manufactured goods, while also reducing transit costs and shortening supply chains – major benefits in a globalized economy.

    The International Monetary Fund projects that, under the AfCFTA, Africa’s expanded goods and labor markets will become more efficient, driving a significant increase in African countries’ competitiveness. By creating a true continental market that increases intra-African trade and impels African countries to participate in “production sharing” at a higher rate, the AfCFTA will likely provide a further incentive to US-based multinationals, which will be able to access a larger market and establish a major global hub. AGOA has already spurred many companies to invest in Africa, and the successful implementation of the AfCFTA will strengthen this trend.

    The challenge for policymakers is to accelerate this process and ensure that the two programs complement each other. One way to do this is to deepen and broaden communication channels between Africa and the US, making it easier for investors interested in doing business in Africa to be better prepared for the expected growth in demand for regionally-sourced products. Supporting individual countries in implementing the AfCFTA would also help streamline the process.

    A key problem that remains to be addressed is AGOA’s eligibility criteria, which are set on a country-by-country basis. These criteria can be detrimental to regional integration, as one country’s removal could affect another country’s supply inputs, thereby creating a ripple effect. For example, when Madagascar was removed from the AGOA-eligible list in 2010 following a coup d’état, the five African countries from which it had been sourcing apparel inputs were also punished. Considering the broader effect of country-specific sanctions will help prevent unintended investor risk.

    Effective regional integration is essential for Africa. Without it, the continent will continue to be overlooked and outpaced globally in manufacturing, information technologies, and agriculture. When considering the future configuration of both AGOA and the AfCFTA, policymakers should regard them as complementary mechanisms for ensuring Africa’s long-term economic development.


    Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2022.

    Main Photo by Tom Fisk on Pexels.

    Charles Telfair Centre is an independent nonpartisan not for profit organisation and does not take specific positions. All views, positions, and conclusions expressed in our publications are solely those of the author(s).




    Why it’s not anti-environmental to be in favour of economic growth



    Eoin McLaughlin, Professor in Economics, University College Cork, Ireland

    Cristián Ducoing, Senior lecturer at Sustainability transformations over time and space, Lund University, Sweden

    Les Oxley, Professor in Economics, University of Waikato, New Zealand


    In the midst of today’s cost of living crisis, many people who are critical of the idea of economic growth see an opportunity. In their recent book The Future is Degrowth, for example, prominent advocates Matthias Schmelzer, Aaron Vansintjan and Andrea Vetter argue that the post-Covid inflation has predominantly been caused by the inherent instability in the capitalist system.

    This came in the form of problems with global supply chains and the asset price inflation which stemmed from government action in response to the pandemic. Since the same system is, in their view, also responsible for causing climate change, moving away from it and curbing the economic growth on which it turns will help kill two birds with one stone.

    Arguments like these recall and are directly influenced by a famous scientific report from 50 years ago called Limits to Growth. Written by a group of researchers commissioned by the Club of Rome think tank, it warned of an “overshoot and collapse” of the global economy within 100 years.

    The researchers forecast that this decline would be caused by exponential growth in populations, industrialisation, pollution, food production and resource depletion. The answer, they said, was to move to a state of economic and ecological stability that would be sustainable far into the future.

    When the oil crisis of October 1973 to March 1974 saw oil prices quadrupling, it was seen as vindicating the report’s prediction of a dramatic surge in the price of oil. A famous Newsweek edition from late 1973 ran with the headline “Running out of everything”, next to a picture of Uncle Sam looking into an empty cornucopia.

    Yet contrary to the predictions in the Limits report, the oil shock was not caused by resource scarcity but by geopolitics. The Saudis and oil-supplier cartel Opec had imposed an oil embargo on the west to protest the US arming Israel in its wars against Syria and Egypt.

    A similar misapprehension lies at the heart of the arguments by today’s degrowthers over the cost of living crisis. The oil and gas shortages causing soaring prices are mainly due to the Ukraine war and a fall in supplies due to the majors investing less in production because of the net zero agenda.

    Wrongheaded economics

    Not only did the writers of the Limits report predict a spike in oil prices for the wrong reasons, they also failed to consider how the market would respond. Higher prices reduced demand and incentivised energy efficient investment and oil exploration, with major new reserves being identified.

    Growth has not (yet) been constrained by a lack of resources, partly because technological advances enable us to generate more from less, and partly because of market forces. When a product or commodity becomes more expensive, people either use less of it or switch to an alternative.

    So the reality is that inflation may well subside over time, depending of course on what central banks do with monetary policy. Equally, pursuing degrowth could be inflationary or deflationary. It depends on whether the supply of goods and services falls further than the demand.

    Both in the 1970s and today, one of the main issues is a fundamental misunderstanding of what economic growth is and what drives it. It is seen as being quantity driven, in the sense that degrowthers think there is an insatiable demand for more of the same, which will eventually have “devastating consequences for the living world”.

    But economic growth is more about quality than quantity. It’s not just about producing more cars, for example, but about making them more fuel efficient or electric. This in turn creates demand for different resources, such as lithium for batteries.

    Or to give another example of how economists view growth, one important study looked at how the price of a unit of light fell over time. This was because as technology shifted from candles to modern light bulbs, the cost of production in terms of hours worked fell dramatically.

    Yet in another respect, the degrowthers are entirely right. Again, it’s worth looking back at the Limits report to understand this. To test their base case, the researchers looked at various alternative scenarios for how the future might pan out.

    In one, they assumed that the world’s stock of available non-renewable resources doubled. This meant that scarcity was less of a problem than in their base case. But they predicted that, rather than averting catastrophe, this would instead cause damaging increases in pollution associated with economic activity.

    Pollution has indeed become a bigger issue than resource constraints. For example, Limits predicted that CO₂ concentration in the atmosphere would reach 435 parts per million (ppm) by 2022 if trends in fossil fuel consumption continued unabated. It is currently 421ppm, so they were fairly close. It is this linkage between environmental harm and the economy that is the report’s most important legacy.

    Managing the wealth of nations

    After the Limits thesis, economists began incorporating the idea of finite resources more explicitly into models of economic growth. This formed the basis of the economic approach to sustainable development, which says that you achieve intergenerational equity by reinvesting the proceeds from finite resources into other assets like buildings, machines or tools.

    For example, if US$1 of oil is extracted from the ground, US$1 should be reinvested elsewhere. Though still far from universally adopted, some oil-producing nations such as Norway do this.

    A related idea is that we should move away from thinking about growth of national income and instead focus on managing national wealth. Wealth in this context refers to all assets from which people obtain wellbeing, and changes in wealth per capita – referred to in the field as “genuine saving” – are indicators of whether development is sustainable.

    The key is to put the right price on different types of assets, including taking into account damage from pollution. For example carbon is clearly very important when valuing changes in wealth.

    Rather than encouraging degrowth, it is now accepted by most environmental economists that this measure of human wealth is a useful complement to GDP. This is being taken increasingly seriously by governments. For example, the US recently announced it would start accounting for its natural assets.

    But if we are to win the argument about changing the basis on which we measure human progress, it is vital that we are clear about the reasons for doing so. Believing that economic growth is inherently bad is not helpful.The Conversation

    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

    Main Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash.

    Charles Telfair Centre is an independent nonpartisan not for profit organisation and does not take specific positions. All views, positions, and conclusions expressed in our publications are solely those of the author(s).

    La taxe mondiale sur les multinationales est-elle vraiment une opportunité pour l’Afrique ?



    Julien Gourdon, Economiste, Agence française de développement (AFD)

    Jean-Baptiste Pétigny, Coordinateur, Facilité française d’Assistance Technique auprès de l’Union africaine, Expertise France, Agence française de développement (AFD)


    Avec l’essor mondial de géant comme Amazon, Facebook ou encore Netflix, les importations de services numériques ont considérablement augmenté en Afrique ces dernières années. Dans les États membres de l’Union africaine (UA), celles-ci sont ainsi passées d’un montant d’environ 19 milliards de dollars en 2007 à 37 milliards de dollars en 2017.

    Cependant, les recettes fiscales prélevées sur leurs activités restent faibles. En effet, les entreprises numériques bénéficient de l’absence d’obligation directe de payer des impôts dans les pays où elles ne sont pas résidentes. Face à ce problème de déperdition fiscale, certains États mettent en œuvre des taxes directes sur les bénéfices de ces sociétés (dite taxe GAFA). En Afrique, le Nigeria, le Kenya et le Zimbabwe disposent désormais d’une législation qui impose directement les opérations numériques des multinationales non résidentes (entre 3 % et 6 %).

    1,3 milliard à récupérer

    Afin de proposer un cadre international harmonisé, le projet relatif à l’érosion de la base d’imposition et au transfert des bénéfices (BEPS), réalisé sous l’égide de Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) et du G20, a permis d’approuver, en octobre 2021, un cadre inclusif reposant sur deux piliers pour relever les défis fiscaux soulevés par la numérisation de l’économie :

    • Le premier pilier se concentre sur l’assiette d’imposition et a pour objectif la réaffectation des droits d’imposition vers la juridiction du marché concerné, indépendamment de la présence physique, et concerne de nombreuses entreprises du numérique (les industries extractives et services financiers réglementés sont exclus).
    • Le deuxième pilier se concentre quant à lui sur le taux d’imposition et la création de règles coordonnées répondant aux risques actuels provenant de montages financiers qui permettent aux multinationales de transférer des bénéfices vers des juridictions à faible imposition. Il propose ainsi l’adoption d’un taux d’imposition minimum de 15 % et aura peu d’impact sur les économies du continent qui ont déjà des taux supérieurs et peu de siège d’entreprises multinationales. Cependant, le rapport mondial sur l’investissement note qu’en relavant le taux minimum à 15 % cela rendra relativement toutes les juridictions avec un taux supérieurs plus attractives.

    Sur les 25 pays africains membres du Cadre inclusif OCDE/G20 sur le BEPS, 23 sont signataires de la déclaration d’octobre 2021 approuvant cette solution à deux piliers (Kenya et Nigeria ne l’ont pas encore signée, ils devront abandonner leur taxe unilatérale s’ils participent).

    En s’appuyant sur la proposition du BEPS et en utilisant les données entreprises Orbis, il est possible de modéliser les scénarios du pilier 1 pour les services numériques. Selon les estimations, les recettes fiscales potentielles pour les 55 États membres de l’Union africaine (EMUA) sont de 1,3 milliard dollars américains par an, soit 0,05 % du PIB.

    Comparativement, il s’agit d’un montant supérieur aux recettes qui seraient tirées d’une éventuelle taxe directe sur les services numériques fixée à 3 % des recettes brutes (800 millions de dollars). Il faudrait que celle-ci soit relevée à environ 5 % pour obtenir un montant proche.

    Il convient de noter qu’actuellement, certaines importations de services numériques peuvent déjà être taxées de manière indirecte dans le cadre de taxes à la consommation. Dix-huit des EMUA ont ainsi proposé (ou mettent déjà en œuvre) une taxe indirecte sur les opérations numériques des multinationales (de 12 à 20 %).

    Un pilier très large

    Cependant, si on appliquait les taux TVA et autres taxes à la consommation existantes dans les 55 pays au commerce de service numérique, en moyenne les recettes potentielles pour les EMUA auraient été de 0,22 % du PIB (en 2017) si les recettes étaient effectivement collectées. Les estimations indiquent que les revenus seraient donc nettement supérieurs ceux générés par une taxe directe proposée par le pilier 1 de la déclaration.

    Si la mise en œuvre complète et effective de la collecte transfrontalière des taxes à la consommation existante sur les importations de service numérique pourrait théoriquement générer des recettes fiscales plus élevées que celles du pilier 1 du programme BEPS, il convient de noter que les propositions du premier pilier du BEPS vont au-delà des seules sociétés de services numériques et généreront probablement des revenus substantiels. En effet, ce piler 1 intègre en plus de ses sociétés numériques toutes les EMN dès lors qu’elles utilisent des canaux numériques de distribution.

    Comment expliquer cet écart ? Le pilier 1 stipule qu’afin d’être éligibles à ce droit de taxation, les pays doivent recevoir au moins 1 million d’euros de recettes par multinationale concernée, ce qui exclut de facto les économies africaines de ce modèle d’allocation des recettes fiscales, à l’exception des 12 plus grandes économies du continent en termes de PIB (Soudan, Côte d’Ivoire, Tanzanie, Ghana, Kenya, Éthiopie, Maroc, Angola, Algérie, Égypte, Afrique du Sud et Nigeria).

    Ceci dit, le cadre inclusif prévoit une exception pour les économies dont le PIB est inférieur à 40 milliards d’euros, en leur attribuant un droit d’imposition à partir d’un seuil de 250 000 euros.

    Une centaine des 500 plus grandes entreprises concernées

    En dépit de cet élargissement du périmètre, l’OCDE estime que la réattribution des bénéfices au titre du pilier 1 s’appliquera à seulement une centaine de multinationales enviro. Il s’agit certes des plus importantes mais la disposition prévoit d’étendre le champ d’application à d’autres EMN qu’au bout de sept ans. Cependant, cela représente la tout de même la majorité des IDE dans le monde.

    Toutes les grandes sociétés de services numériques ont des marges bénéficiaires avant impôt comprises entre 13 % (Netflix) et 39 % (Facebook), et allant jusqu’à 70 % pour Amazon, ce qui impliquerait donc des bénéfices réaffectés au niveau mondial (25 % du bénéfice résiduel). Les montants imposables diffèrent toutefois considérablement, Netflix, Adobe et PayPal se situant au bas de l’échelle ; et Meta, Alphabet (anciennement Google), Amazon, Microsoft et Apple se positionnant en haut de cette échelle.

    La part qui est allouée aux économies africaines dans le cadre des nouvelles règles du pilier 1 semble a priori minime et il faudra attendre encore 7 ans avant une éventuelle extension du champ d’application de cette règle pour y inclure davantage de multinationales.

    Il est donc primordial qu’un nombre plus important de pays du continent participe au cadre inclusif du BEPS, auquel 23 États ont jusqu’alors adhéré, les actions multilatérales étant plus propices à des résultats probants dans une économie mondialisée. D’autant que, les difficultés éprouvées par les pays du G20 lors de ces négociations montrent par analogie à quel point la capacité de négociation des EMUA seuls face aux géants du secteur serait réduite. En parallèle, les pays doivent travailler a mieux collecter les taxes indirectes sur les services numériques afin de maximiser l’ensemble de revenus (directs et indirects) potentiels.


    Nicolas Köhler-Suzuki, directeur d’International Trade Intelligence, et Rutendo Tavengerwei, conseillère en politique commerciale spécialisée dans l’Afrique ont participé à la rédaction de cet article, qui s’appuie sur l’étude publiée le 9 septembre par l’Agence française de développement (AFD) dans la collection « Questions de développement ».The Conversation

    Cet article est republié à partir de The Conversation sous licence Creative Commons. Lire l’article original.

    Main Photo by Magnus Mueller Tracy Le Blanc on Pexels.

    Charles Telfair Centre is an independent nonpartisan not for profit organisation and does not take specific positions. All views, positions, and conclusions expressed in our publications are solely those of the author(s).

    What’s wrong with the Fourth Industrial Revolution



    Ozayr Patel, Digital Editor, The Conversation


    The “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is a term coined in 2016 by German economist Klaus Schwab. It’s used to describe the technology revolution that the world is going through. But there is growing criticism, particularly in the global south, of how it’s framed. Many are questioning whether it should be considered a revolution at all.

    The Fourth Industrial Revolution, according to one view, is a very simplistic narrative that advances a distinct political agenda. It is a kind of exploitation that is being sold as progress. The narrative is being advanced to achieve a specific economic outcome – at the expense of many people in the global south.

    Many innovations are happening in the digital technological space. But do they reorganise production and social relations, or do they just entrench past forms of inequality?

    Consider the case of the ride-hailing app Uber. It may sound like enticing work for drivers, but there’s more to it. Drivers may face bad working conditions, penalties and other challenges without the security of human resources behind them.

    In this episode of Pasha, Ruth Castel-Branco, manager of the Future of Work(ers) research project at the University of the Witwatersrand, joins Nanjala Nyabola, a storyteller and political analyst, in taking us through the seductive idea of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

    Main photo byPete Linforth on Pixabay.

    Photo “A smartphone attached to the dash on a vent holder in a moving Uber car. The Uber App shows the route in Cape Town map.” by maurodopereira, found on Shutterstock.

    Music “Happy African Village” by John Bartmann, found on licensed under CC0 1.

    “African Moon” by John Bartmann, found on licensed under CC0 1.

    Charles Telfair Centre is an independent nonpartisan not for profit organisation and does not take specific positions. All views, positions, and conclusions expressed in our publications are solely those of the author(s).

    Well-being of Priority Populations in Mauritius



    Tanya Palmyre, Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Officer, Collectif Urgence Toxida (CUT), Harm Reduction, Quatre-Bornes, Mauritius

    Shatyam Issur, Managing Director, CUT, Mauritius

    Dr Fiona Grant, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Mauritius, Mauritius


    Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Mauritius work with different target populations with the objective to eradicate various social issues. Collaborative research amongst NGOs allows for in-depth understanding of the cross-cutting nature of social problems. This article showcases such a successful collaborative research between four local NGOs which prioritises the perspectives of target populations to better understand crime, drug consumption, HIV prevalence, marginalisation, sex work amongst others. This project is particularly innovative in that it is not only rooted in quality academic research but its results have been disseminated through a creative process of developing five docu-series presenting the core research findings. 


    Collectif Urgence Toxida (CUT) in collaboration with Prévention Information et Lutte contre le Sida (Pils), Aides, Infos, Liberté, Espoir et Solidarité (AILES) and Parapli Rouz led a community- based research investigating the relationship between different psychological and social determinants affecting priority populations’ life in Mauritius. The project, supported by the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council (MRIC), defined priority populations as People Living with HIV/AIDS, People Who Inject Drugs, sex workers, the LGBT community and Men Who Have Sex with Men. The research aimed at documenting and understanding priority populations’ levels of well-being and quality of life and their perceptions of stigma and discrimination. The objective was to develop recommendations for policymakers, researchers, health professionals and social workers.


    Objectives of the study

    Two studies aimed to understand and measure a set of health indices (physical, psychological, social, emotional well-being) among key participants, to (1) assess the quality of life of priority populations in Mauritius, and (2) collect data on psychological factors and experiences of individuals regarding stigma and discrimination. Study 1 examined the current state of psychological well-being and satisfaction with life of Priority Populations in Mauritius and the relationship between perceived wellness and social norms, stigma, discrimination, and social exclusion of priority populations. Study 2 focused on the feelings and opinions of service providers and the wider population in Mauritius as they relate to stigma, prejudice, discrimination, and the psychological well-being and satisfaction with life of Priority Populations.

    The objective was to understand the processes in place and inform a communication campaign that produced a five-episodes docuseries and develop recommendations based on the empirical findings for policymakers, researchers, health professionals, and social workers.

    Trailer of the Docu-series by Collectif Urgence Toxida


    Methodology of the study

    The study collected data using online questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. Two questionnaires were developed to collect information from the various target groups, namely People Living with HIV/AIDS, People Who Inject Drugs, sex workers, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community, service providers and the general population. A total of 267 participants, all Mauritian nationals, and representative of each target group participated in the survey. Based on established scales from the field of social psychology, the questions were selected to align with the needs and interests of priority populations in Mauritius. The established scales measured life satisfaction, perceived well-being, group identification, preparation for bias, everyday discrimination and ostracism, social exclusion, and demographic information. This study was correlational in nature.

    In Study 1, survey methods were used to ask participants about their thoughts, feelings, expectations, and actions as they relate to quality of life (well-being and satisfaction with life), stigma, discrimination, and social exclusion. The sample consisted of 166 adult participants belonging to the different priority populations as listed in Figure 1.

    Figure 1: Number of respondents per target population

    Findings of the study

    Findings revealed that average scores for well-being were moderately high across the four dimensions of psychological well-being, emotional well-being, social well-being, and physical well-being. However, by contrast, the reported satisfaction with life was relatively low. Priority populations reported feeling excluded from Mauritian society and a sense of not being fully considered as a member of social and professional life. Correlational analyses revealed that social exclusion, ostracism, and discrimination were negatively correlated with all measures of well-being, such that when feelings of social exclusion, ostracism and discrimination increased, participants’ levels of well-being (psychological, emotional, social, physical) decreased.

    Study 2 focused on the feelings and opinions of service providers and the wider population in Mauritius as they relate to the psychological well-being and satisfaction with life of Priority Populations. Service providers are defined as individuals that work for organisations or ministries serving priority populations in various domains such as health, harm reduction, security, and education, to name a few. Participants included 66 service providers, 30 individuals from the wider population, and 5 who did not mention their status.

    The analysis highlighted that service providers and the wider population tended to be aware of feelings and opinions of the priority populations, as well as the local social context. Indeed, service providers and the wider population had a good knowledge of challenges present in society and how to serve each person best. In addition, service providers and the wider population reported relatively low levels of ostracism and prejudice towards priority populations. Overall, they consider priority populations as full contributors to social life and treat them fairly. The only instance of subtle prejudice involved behaviours and thoughts that are linked to providing help and services. For example, approximately one third of service providers and the wider population believed that priority populations needed help to make good choices for themselves and that assistance will be required throughout their life.

     This study is innovative in several ways. It is the first, to our knowledge, to examine determinants of well-being among priority populations alongside the perspectives of service providers in Mauritius. Moreover, the data collected were disseminated in an innovative way by illustrating them in a docuseries of 5 episodes each focused on a specific theme highlighted in the research.


    Some recommendations of the study

    Findings from this research can shed light on possible recommendations for persuasive health promotion initiatives. The need for effective interventions and research promoting health and well-being during and after the Coronavirus pandemic is critical. Indeed, there is limited evidence about the mental challenges faced by priority populations in Mauritius. Yet, the current research has demonstrated that these persons are at risk for mental health challenges, discrimination and lower levels of well-being.

    The first recommendation highlights the importance of focusing on well-being and health promotion in its globality. To be “well” requires a holistic approach, taking into consideration physical health, mental health, emotional health and social health.  Thus well-being can be increased by activating the different domains of well-being and not merely focusing on barriers to health. One such example would be to recognize the importance of social factors such as family support and peer influence. As we know, family members and friends often influence one’s attitudes and behaviours as they relate to health. Social support groups for priority populations that include others who are facing or have faced similar challenges can positively impact overall wellness.

    The second recommendation is to put the person at the center of well-being initiatives. The findings of the current research highlight how each priority population is similar and different (at the same time) to one another. Thus, it is important to design messages relevant to the intended group’s characteristics because people are more responsive to personally relevant messages, especially when it relates to health. In terms of programmatic framework, when developing health promotion events or harm reduction strategies, it is necessary to identify the level (institution level, organisation level, group level or individual level) at which this intervention will be most effective.

    Finally, and most importantly, a participatory and collaborative approach will enable the development of effective programs for health promotion. This allows for each voice and expertise to be heard and concurrently greater acceptance and buy-in. For example, it is recommended to organise brainstorming sessions to identify actional points for change, where community members, organisational representatives, social workers, and researchers are equitably involved.


    All photos copyright Collectif Urgence Toxida (CUT).

    Charles Telfair Centre is an independent nonpartisan not for profit organisation and does not take specific positions. All views, positions, and conclusions expressed in our publications are solely those of the author(s).

    The New Resilience Paradigm



    Anthea Roberts, Professor in the School of Regulation and Global Governance and Director of the Centre for International Governance and Justice at the Australian National University.

    Jensen Sass, Fellow in the School of Regulation and Global Governance at the Australian National University.


    CANBERRA – When the world changes, policy paradigms change, too – or at least they should. Harvard economist Dani Rodrik recently argued that, instead of globalism, financialization, and consumption – the principles undergirding the declining neoliberal paradigm that has dominated global economic policymaking for the past 40 years – a framework that emphasizes production, jobs, and localism is needed. Rodrik calls this nascent paradigm “productivism.”

    At a time when political polarization is increasing throughout the developed world, the core features of the productivist paradigm have found support on both the right and the left. But there is more to this paradigm shift than Rodrik’s narrative allows. Productivism is only one part of a broader, more profound transition away from neoliberalism’s preoccupation with efficiency toward a new paradigm that puts systemic resilience first.

    To understand why a particular paradigm becomes ascendant, we need to identify the policy problems it must address. Neoliberalism’s assumptions regarding the ability of individuals and communities to adjust to trade shocks proved to be wildly unrealistic; the doctrine’s exponents were oblivious to its unintended consequences.

    Trade liberalization was a boon to GDP, but most of the gains in developed countries went to the rich, while losses were borne disproportionately by already vulnerable groups. Simmering grievances in those communities went unnoticed in policy circles for many years before finding expression in populist movements. This anger is central to the growing bipartisan support for the pro-worker agenda that Rodrik describes.

    Economic globalization reduced inequality between the developed and developing world, but it also increased geostrategic competition, particularly between China and the United States. Interdependence can be weaponized, but the neoliberal paradigm provides little guidance on how to address security concerns like economic coercion and supply-chain fragility. As a result, governments are now hastily trying to create anti-coercion tools and to reshore semiconductor manufacturing.

    The neoliberal paradigm may have increased wealth, but it also increased carbon emissions, contributing to the current climate crisis. Its adherents couldn’t grasp that efficiency is desirable only up to a point. Short-term efficiency that maximizes wealth but undermines the environment is not sustainable – and it magnifies the shocks that individuals and communities are likely to face.

    The world has become riskier and more uncertain, partly owing to neoliberal policies that exacerbated social, political, economic, and environmental vulnerabilities and are ill-equipped to respond to the crises they helped cause. Any new paradigm must enable policymakers to tackle domestic distributional and political conflicts as well as protracted global instability and uncertainty.

    While productivism may help to address some of these challenges, it falls short of providing an overarching intellectual framework that can match neoliberalism’s emphasis on efficiency. Productivism is most concerned with the social inequities and attendant resentments generated by pro-market policies. Reshoring production and rebuilding infrastructure represent ways to manage some of the risks generated by economic interdependence and climate change.

    But a paradigm that places resilience at its center would respond to all these problems more deeply and would have wider applications. Whether the focus is on communities, economies, or the environment, resilience represents a more important systemic value than efficiency or production.

    Many define resilience as the ability to absorb shocks and adapt in order to carry on functioning. But it is also a systems concept – something that can be measured and designed. It shifts the focus of policy analysis away from decisions taken individually toward their effect over time on the system as a whole. As such, it discourages excessive attention to a single metric, such as GDP, or short-term returns. And it encourages a balance between diversification and concentration, and between independence and interdependence. Efficiency may contribute to resilience by increasing returns and adaptability, but not when pushed to the extreme of creating systemic fragility.

    Much like productivism, it is too early to envision a fully-realized policy paradigm based on resilience. But the concept already possesses considerable intellectual clout, developed across numerous disciplines and applied in various policy areas. It is central to climate-change adaptation, disaster management, and sustainable development. Urban planners apply it to design cities that are better able to withstand climatic instability. Development specialists use it to consider how at-risk communities might respond to disasters. Resilience also appeals to many in national security and international business circles who anticipate disruption of critical supplies or critical infrastructure by extreme weather events or hostile actions.

    Today’s turbulent world calls for prosperity that can withstand shocks and does not degrade the foundations of our societies. Economic growth must be inclusive enough to empower individuals and communities to flourish, without stirring polarization and backlash. We need an approach to globalization that enables countries to feel secure, even in the midst of growing ecological risks and geostrategic competition.

    Whatever the next policy paradigm is, reconciling these demands would be its defining challenge. Productivism gets us part of the way; resilience promises to take us further.


    Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2022.

     Main Photo by Alicia Mary Smith on Unsplash.

     Charles Telfair Centre is an independent nonpartisan not for profit organisation and does not take specific positions. All views, positions, and conclusions expressed in our publications are solely those of the author(s).

    When the IMF comes to town: why they visit and what to watch out for



    Danny Bradlow, SARCHI Professor of International Development Law and African Economic Relations, University of Pretoria


    In most rich countries the news that a mission from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is coming to visit is met with indifference. But, in most African countries the news can cause great consternation.

    Why the difference?

    History has a lot to do with it. The citizens of many African countries have suffered through their governments, under IMF pressure, cutting subsidies and social spending, firing public sector workers and increasing taxes. For example, a 2021 Oxfam study, found that the IMF encouraged 33 African countries to adopt austerity policies in the wake of the COVID pandemic.

    On the other hand, with a few exceptions, such as Greece, citizens of rich countries have not experienced the IMF having any direct impact on their lives.

    Another important reason is lack of knowledge. Usually, when the IMF comes to town, the public gets little information about the purpose of the IMF’s visit – or its likely outcomes. In other cases, people are concerned that they have limited ability to influence the outcome of the visit or its impact on their lives.

    This article seeks to remove some of the mystery surrounding IMF visits to a country. It explains the two basic reasons for the IMF sending its staff on “missions” to a country. And what can be expected in each case.

    The IMF’s remit

    According to its Articles of Agreement, the IMF’s purposes include promoting monetary cooperation among its 190 member states so that they can more sustainably manage their macroeconomic situations and their international financial relations. This should help them promote and maintain high levels of employment and real income and develop their productive resources.

    The IMF also provides financing to countries that do not have sufficient foreign exchange to meet all their needs and obligations so they do not have to resort to measures that are destructive of “national or international prosperity”.

    To fulfil these responsibilities, the IMF sends its staff on two basic types of missions to member countries.

    Surveillance missions

    The first are surveillance missions. Article IV says that the IMF should exercise “firm surveillance” over the efforts of its member states to try and direct their economic and financial policies towards the objective of fostering orderly economic growth with reasonable price stability.

    Thus, the IMF regularly – usually annually – sends a staff team to assess the state of each country’s macro economy, the risks it faces and its capacity to continue evolving in a sustainable way. This team usually meets with officials in each country’s ministry of finance and central bank. In addition, they can ask to meet other government officials. For example, during COVID, the IMF might have been interested in meeting with health department officials.

    The IMF staff will also normally meet with members of parliament and with representatives of business and labour. They may also meet with representatives of civil society.

    There are four important points to note about these missions.

    First, while the IMF provides some guidance to its staff, it does not require them to follow any particular procedures for informing interested parties that it is visiting the country. The result is that it’s difficult for anybody interested in the visit to learn how they might engage with the mission or provide it with information.

    Second, in principle, there is no limit on what issues the IMF can focus on during its mission. Consequently, IMF staff can raise any issue and request whatever information they think is relevant to assessing the state of the country’s macroeconomic situation. This has led to a gradual expansion in the range of issues the IMF may raise in these missions. They now range from fiscal policy, inflation and unemployment rates, and balance of payments deficits to issues about how the country is dealing with climate change, gender discrimination, public health and wealth inequality.

    Third, the outcome of the mission is a report prepared by the staff that is discussed by the IMF’s Board of Executive Directors. The report is usually made public after the discussion, together with a press release.

    The IMF also uses the information in preparing its reports on the global economy.

    Fourth, the IMF can make recommendations to the government on actions that it should take to deal with any challenges that have been identified.

    These recommendations are purely advisory. In principle, the country is free to ignore them. This may be the case if the country is confident that it will not need IMF financing in the future. This is the reason that the citizens of rich countries do not usually care that an IMF mission is visiting their countries. However, this is a luxury that a country cannot afford if it thinks it may need IMF financial support. Or that its access to international financial markets may be influenced by the IMF’s view. This, of course, is the case for most African countries.

    Financing missions

    The second type of mission is initiated by requests for IMF financing.

    Their purpose is to assess the country’s need for financial support. And to negotiate the terms on which it will be provided.

    The IMF effectively acts as a lender of last resort. Consequently, governments are reluctant to ask for IMF financing unless they cannot get enough foreign exchange from other sources.

    The IMF provides the financing on an unsecured basis. It tries to ensure that it will be repaid by making the financing subject to policy conditions, known as conditionalities. The premise of these conditionalities is that the country is essentially living beyond its means and must reduce its expenditures to the level of its income, including the funds contributed by the IMF. In short, the IMF is demanding that the country makes sacrifices.

    This means, inevitably, that the terms of IMF financing are controversial. First, the scale of the sacrifices necessary to restore a country to macroeconomic health are not easily determined. They depend on perceptions of the causes of the country’s crisis, assumptions about future economic developments and the capacity of the government to implement policy changes and the public to accept and absorb these changes. Reasonable people can, of course, have different views on these issues.

    Second, the scope, terms and number of conditionalities the IMF chooses to attach to its financing can be very broad, or quite specific. For example, it can merely state the size of budget cuts that the country must make or the amount of additional revenues it must raise and then leave it up to the country to decide how to meet these conditions. Alternatively, it can specify which budget items should be cut, which taxes should be increased, and which structural reforms must be implemented in order to get IMF financing.

    This effectively means that the conditionalities are matters for negotiation between the government and the IMF and that they depend on the balance of bargaining power between them. This means that the IMF is effectively a player in the domestic economic policy making process of countries that need its financing.

    However, the IMF is not subject to the same legal requirements regarding participation or transparency as other players in this process. It is also less accountable to those who will be affected by its policy choices than the government itself.The Conversation

    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

    Main photo by  Simone D. McCourtie / World Bank on Flickr.    

    Charles Telfair Centre is an independent nonpartisan not for profit organisation and does not take specific positions. All views, positions, and conclusions expressed in our publications are solely those of the author(s).

    The World Needs a Digital Lifeline



    Riccardo Puliti, Vice President for Infrastructure at the World Bank.


    WASHINGTON, DC – In periods of crisis, digital technologies provide a lifeline that keeps people, communities, and businesses functioning. From the COVID-19 pandemic to violent conflicts and natural disasters, being connected has allowed us to continue working, learning, and communicating.

    How policymakers have responded to these emergencies has played a large part. In particular, as new paper by the World Bank Group’s Development Committee shows, more agile regulation has accelerated digitalization and unleashed innovation. In today’s global context of several overlapping crises, this needs to become the norm. Secure and resilient internet infrastructure is a fundamental necessity.

    During the pandemic, as more and more of our lives went online, internet usage spiked worldwide. In 2020, 800 million people went online for the first time, and 58 low- and middle-income countries used digital payments to deliver COVID-19 relief. To manage that surge, governments and regulators in more than 80 countries moved quickly to change rules, including those governing the allocation of radio spectrum – the electromagnetic waves used for wireless communications. In Ghana, regulators assigned temporary radio spectrum to networks in high demand, and all mobile-service providers were granted permission to expand coverage. This resulted in better-quality service for more than 30 million mobile subscribers, letting them “go” to work, learn online, and access essential services.

    Agile regulations have also helped digital technologies offer critical support to people in fragile and conflict situations. In Ukraine, the presence of a strong internet connection through satellite links, even while terrestrial infrastructure is under attack, has enabled the government to communicate with its citizens in real time. At the beginning of the war, shelling and cyberattacks were predicted to take down the internet, but innovations such as the satellite hookups have kept the country online. Here, too, the Ukrainian government moved quickly to speed up permissions and adapt rules.

    But a digital lifeline is effective only if it is safeguarded from cyberattack, something that Ukraine knows well. For many years, the country has been a testing ground for strikes on infrastructure. Hackers carried out waves of attacks that hit Ukraine’s distribution centers, call centers, and power grid.

    And it’s not just Ukraine. All countries are vulnerable to these incursions. The United States fell victim to cyberattacks last year that took down its largest fuel pipeline, leaving many Americans in long lines to fill their gas tanks. And in Africa, Kenyan internet users endured more than 14 million malware incidents in 2020.

    Like cyberattacks, nature can cause damage to communications infrastructure that demands an agile reaction. A volcanic eruption in January this year sent the island nation of Tonga into digital darkness. The eruption cut Tonga’s single undersea telecom cable and threw the country into 38 days of isolation from the internet and much of the outside world. This crisis has prompted discussions about how to strengthen the network and emergency-response systems, so Tongans are not at risk of digital darkness again.

    To mitigate such vulnerabilities, unleashing digitalization needs to be a high priority even in periods of relative calm. Potentially transformative yet fast-evolving technologies require policymakers to promote financing, regulations, and institutions that make it easier to test out new ideas in real life. Some countries are starting to make progress. Kazakhstan is using agile regulation to digitalize, decentralize, and decarbonize its vitally important energy operations.

    Unlocking the potential of digitalization for the masses through well-targeted regulation can also help close the digital divide and improve welfare. Recent research has shown that the availability of cheaper internet access increases employment among low-income households.

    Countries such as Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Malaysia provide low-cost plans for poorer users. Digital access is essential for people all over the world, especially residents of under-connected rural areas, the poor, women, and the displaced. In Nigeria and Tanzania, poverty rates fell by seven percentage points in areas with internet connections.

    With the world facing multiple emergencies, policymakers need to mobilize digital connectivity to improve the daily welfare of the most vulnerable populations. Right now, innovation is moving so fast that many officials, especially in developing countries, are finding it hard to keep up and ensure that the benefits of digitalization reach the people who need them most.

    But we should not need a crisis to accelerate the transformation. Now is the time to build a digital lifeline – before the next disaster hits.

    Read more about the World Bank’s work on digital development and the digital lifeline that proved crucial in the pandemic in this recent paper on digitalization and development.


    Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2022.

    Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.

    Charles Telfair Centre is an independent nonpartisan not for profit organisation and does not take specific positions. All views, positions, and conclusions expressed in our publications are solely those of the author(s).

    The AfCFTA needs a whole agreement approach to empowering women



    Nadira Bayat has worked extensively on the gender dimension of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), both as gender and trade expert with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), where she led the approach to gender mainstreaming in AfCFTA national and regional implementation strategies, and with UN Women, Africa.


    As states implement the African Continental Free Trade Area, efforts must be made to ensure the agreement progresses gender equality considerations and drives women’s economic empowerment. Gender mainstreaming in the AfCFTA should then take a “whole agreement approach”, incorporating civil society and the private sector in national, regional and continental consultations. 

    The signature of the agreement establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) on 21 March 2018 marked a historic milestone for economic integration in Africa. Built and implemented through various phases of negotiations, the AfCFTA Agreement in Phase I has agreed protocols on Trade in Goods, Trade in Services and Rules and Procedures on the Settlement of Disputes, while negotiations on Phase II Protocols should be concluded by September 2022. These include protocols on Intellectual Property Rights, Competition Policy, Investment and Digital Trade, as well as a protocol on Women and Youth in Trade.

    Crucial to the single market created under the AfCFTA are new trade and economic opportunities for women, including in productive sectors where women are disproportionately employed, such as agriculture, manufacturing (clothing and textiles) and services. Notwithstanding the promise, gains will not be automatic. This is especially the case for women who confront a range of structural inequalities, with implications for their participation in economic activities in general and in the AfCFTA, in particular. Pervasive inequalities further limit women’s ability to respond to external shocks such as climate change and pandemics.

    As state parties turn to implement the AfCFTA Agreement, deliberate efforts are necessary to ensure an inclusive approach to the agreement’s implementation. This requires considering opportunities for more and better jobs for women, addressing structural inequalities and fast-tracking climate action. Achieving this objective in the midst of a health, economic and care crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic that has disproportionately affected women requires an approach that mainstreams gender throughout the AfCFTA.

    Addressing systematic and structural barriers to women’s equality for a whole agreement approach

    Achieving an approach to gender mainstreaming in the AfCFTA that covers the whole agreement cannot be achieved in the absence of a comprehensive understanding of the root causes of structural inequality and gender-distinct trade barriers. Conceiving how the latter prevent women from participating in trade, business and economic activities is essential. As a powerful force, women in Africa are creating solutions to intractable challenges through a combination of their skills, talents and innovation, while pioneering new avenues to wealth creation. In parallel, women are confronted with systemic and structural barriers to equality – from restrictive socio-cultural norms, unpaid care work and discriminatory laws in many places – to prevailing inequalities in labour participation, health, education and political representation.

    Gender inequalities also result in women having to bear the brunt of disaster impacts. Disproportionately employed in subsistence agriculture, and as small-scale producers, women are more dependent on natural resources and play a central role in managing their environment and sustaining livelihoods, including through agricultural production as a key component of food security. Notwithstanding this role, women often lack equitable access to productive inputs and are under-represented in terms of power and decision-making structures. This leaves them with limited capacity for coping with and adapting to the impact of climate-related disasters and environmental degradation.

    While the AfCFTA will fundamentally alter Africa’s production and trade landscape, environmental and climate considerations have not featured prominently in its design. Yet, the nexus between climate change and gender inequality, with its increasing threat for undermining inclusive socio-economic development in Africa, underscores the economic urgency of fast-tracking climate action, including through the AfCFTA. Addressing systematic inequalities and related gender-specific trade barriers through a “whole agreement approach” to mainstreaming gender in the AfCFTA can actively promote the equal participation and empowerment of women in resilient and green intra-African trade.

    Actions for advancing a whole agreement approach to mainstreaming gender in the AfCFTA

    A whole agreement approach to gender mainstreaming in the AfCFTA can achieve more beneficial and equal outcomes for all. But what does this approach entail and how should it be operationalised? Overall, a whole agreement approach may be best achieved by applying a gender lens across all AfCFTA protocols and their associated annexes and appendices that form an integral part of the AfCFTA Agreement.

    In the context of Phase I implementation of the Agreement, this requires examining how women work, trade and own businesses at the national level through a gender lens. This should also be applied to sectors that are affected most by trade in goods, including agriculture and manufacturing and trade in services. Particular attention will need to be given to new opportunities for women’s economic empowerment, as well as to systematic inequalities and structural constraints that impact women in their different economic roles. Such an approach will involve examining how women engage in export trade in goods and services. Key insights and findings emerging from this process can inform the design of gender-responsive AfCFTA policy reforms and complementary measures that remove structural barriers and create new opportunities for women to access higher-skilled jobs and upgrade into higher-productivity activities in the AfCFTA.

    In agriculture, strengthening and enforcing laws and policies that address the gender gap in agricultural productivity would support women’s economic participation in this critical sector. Complementary capacity-building measures that assist women small-scale producers to competitively produce crops with forward linkages to value-added sectors is also important. This should be implemented alongside targeted interventions that assist small-scale farmers in the production of high-value agricultural commodities for niche export markets.

    The shift to AfCFTA implementation also presents a unique opportunity to advance a holistic approach to industrial policy that addresses issues of gendered segregation and the pervasive gender wage gap in manufacturing. Retraining and upskilling workers through targeted strategies is particularly important for enabling women to adapt to the changing skill set required by expanding industries and more technical sectors. Likewise, AfCFTA liberalisation of trade in services provides considerable opportunities for AfCFTA state parties to involve women in the preparation of schedules of specific commitments in the five priority services sectors, and to make commitments in those sectors where women are most active, including in tourism.

    It is additionally worth underscoring the importance of a trade facilitation agenda that is gender-responsive. Notably, an agenda that creates efficient and transparent customs processes, reduces clearance times and trade costs and increases the involvement of women in AfCFTA Trade Facilitation National Committees can act as a catalyst for women-led businesses in intra-African trade. Digital trade facilitation measures, such as single windows, electronic certificates of origin and automated processing of trade declarations are particularly important for smaller women-led businesses. Similarly, women small-scale and informal cross-border traders can benefit from a gender-responsive AfCFTA Simplified Trade Regime that lowers the costs of formal import and export procedures and supports their participation in more formal trading arrangements created through the AfCFTA.

    Like Phase I, ensuring a whole agreement approach to gender mainstreaming in Phase II implementation of the AfCFTA Agreement is needed. This should extend beyond a dedicated Protocol on Women and Youth in Trade to applying a gender lens to the Phase II negotiations. This would inform the drafting of explicit gender-related provisions that can serve as entry points for promoting women’s economic empowerment objectives across all AfCFTA Phase II Protocols. Gender-related provisions in the Protocol on Intellectual Property Rights, for example, which protect and recognise women’s contribution to traditional knowledge and local innovation, could extend the benefits of the intellectual property system to women and women-led businesses who experience the lack of knowledge of intellectual property protection as a distinct barrier to trade. Targeted areas of cooperation for women could include capacity building, knowledge generation and skills enhancement on intellectual property protections, as well as related cooperation on information centres at borders. These are places where women can obtain advice on intellectual property rights.

    Similarly, integrating gender-related provisions into the AfCFTA Protocol on Competition Policy could help reduce pre-existing gender inequalities. Provisions that encourage capacity building for women-led businesses on how to challenge anticompetitive conduct through competition authorities, and other formal systems, should be included, as well as promoting public-private partnerships that support the participation of local and regional women suppliers in value chains. Gender-related provisions as part of negotiated outcomes for the AfCFTA Protocol on Investment could range from cooperation on the promotion of skills and technology transfer and linkages to requiring AfCFTA state parties to advance corporate social responsibility and develop responsible business practices that promote gender equality. Women-led micro, small and medium-sized enterprises would be particularly positively affected.

    The treatment of investors could also be addressed, for example, through an explicit provision that prohibits gender-based discrimination against investors. In the case of a Protocol on Digital Trade, gender-related provisions could focus on various areas of cooperation to close the gender digital divide, including through increasing women and girls’ access to digital skills and literacy initiatives, as well as through provisions that recognise digital harassment, and other threats that prevent women from accessing the internet. Gender-related provisions centred on the sharing of country experiences in the design and implementation of approaches, which can help women-owned businesses increase their exports through digital trade and e-commerce platforms, could also be considered.

    To create such a whole agreement approach, a participatory process is needed that builds strong alliances with civil society and the private sector in national, regional and continental consultations and decision-making. Integral to these processes is the need to understand various areas for empowering women in formal and informal employment and in multiple economic roles, as opposed to focusing exclusively on women as entrepreneurs. Gender training for trade negotiators to create a stronger understanding of the links between trade and gender should consequently be encouraged, alongside the increased participation and representation of women and gender ministry representatives in national AfCFTA agenda-setting and negotiating delegations. Dedicated efforts will further be required to address the absence of gender and trade data and statistics. Gender-disaggregated data is particularly important for building the evidence base for more informed policies that, in particular, address the nexus between the AfCFTA, gender and climate change.

    This blog is a summary of a policy brief written by Nadira Bayat and published by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Geneva Office. Read the full policy brief here.

    This post is part of the African trade policy series, hosted by the LSE Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa.

    Main photo by Jean van der Meulen on Pexels.

    Charles Telfair Centre is an independent nonpartisan not for profit organisation and does not take specific positions. All views, positions, and conclusions expressed in our publications are solely those of the author(s).