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    Ocean Management

    L’ouverture des sciences marines, au service d’un océan bien commun de l’humanité

    Nadège Legroux, Doctorante AFD-SENS, Agence française de développement (AFD) et Stéphanie Leyronas, Chargée de recherche sur les communs, Agence française de développement (AFD)   450 ans –...

    Exploring the Indian Ocean as a rich archive of history – above and below the water line

      Isabel Hofmeyr, University of the Witwatersrand   Charne Lavery, University of Pretoria   On many beaches around the Indian Ocean, keen observers may spot bits of broken pottery....

    Mauritius oil spill: how coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass could be affected

    Sivajyodee Sannassy Pilly, Bangor University; John Turner, Bangor University, and Ronan Roche, Bangor University   Sometimes bad things happen in the worst possible places – like...

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