
    CALL FOR PAPER SERIES 2022 : Building Back Towards a Resilient and Sustainable Recovery



    Building Back Towards a Resilient and Sustainable Recovery      

    The COVID-19 crisis has been a wake-up call for the planet with a rising consensus on building a post-crisis world that is durable, resilient, and fair. A return to ‘business as usual’ with environmentally destructive and socially divisive economic activities is put into question as the planet is getting closer to a point of no-return. Within that context, Mauritius finds itself in arguably one of the biggest economic crises since the 1980s, with the triple challenge of building back an economy that is sustainable, fair, and innovative within a rapidly evolving regional and global context. The potential is real. Arguably, Mauritius has many assets that could position the country at the forefront of innovative and sustainable recovery solutions aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): a parliamentary democracy with an educated multicultural workforce, quality infrastructure, and institutions, an economic history that combined openness, resilience and adaptability and strong international ties with Europe, China, and India. Yet, the challenges are also many: declining governance, stagnating productivity, poor sustainability performance, increased inequality exacerbated by the current crisis, stagnating innovation, rising public debt, and declining institutions.

    The latter is set in a context where global environmental crises could cause social and economic damages far beyond those caused by COVID-19. As such, recovery will require more than getting economies and livelihoods back to previous levels. Recovery policies will need to encompass innovative investments, behavioural changes, and human-centered development models more likely to reduce future shocks and increase resilience.

    Call for Papers

    To address Mauritius and the region’s challenge in their recovery effort our paper series for 2022 accepts articles within our four core themes. The suggested sub-themes below are not prescriptive, and we welcome submissions in any topics related to our four main themes provided they are pertinent to Mauritius and the region (Indian Ocean).

    We support inquiry using diverse kinds of evidence, relying on a variety of methodological approaches (including comparative case studies) and cutting across academic disciplines, as well as practitioners’ projects insofar as they are in line with our editorial guidelines. Articles are in a blog-like format and can be written in French or English.

    Abstract/Pitch submissions will need to reach us by 17th December 2021.  You will need to submit:  

    • An up-to-date CV
    • An abstract/pitch not exceeding 300 words summarising the research questions and key findings.

    The publication of articles will be spread over 12 months in 2022. We invite contributors to read our editorial guidelines, for more information.

    Proposals and enquiries should be sent to


    The Centre publishes data and evidence on topics relevant to Mauritius and the region’s development prospects. Our articles are in a blog format and we welcome contributions from both researchers and practitioners (private sector, NGO, and government).

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