Charles Telfair Centre

About Usxxx

About Us

The Charles Telfair Centre is a non-profit initiative of the Charles Telfair Campus, Mauritius.
Our mission is to act as a multidisciplinary platform for cutting-edge knowledge sharing and debate. The Centre offers a safe space where dominant discourses can be challenged and innovative ideas and perspectives scrutinised. We showcase best practices, pioneering initiatives, and creative solutions to support Mauritius and the region in their ability to respond to challenges arising and seize new opportunities across social, economic and policy domains.

Who we are

The Charles Telfair Centre project was initiated in February 2020 by the Charles Telfair Campus. The objective of the project was to gather expertise, facts and evidence pertinent to Mauritius and the region and showcase it via a dynamic and accessible platform. By March 2020, the project got swirled into the Covid-19 pandemic. While the crisis forced us to rethink our approach to the project, it certainly did not curb our eagerness to materialise it. On the contrary, we believe the crisis made the need for an ideas sharing platform ever more important.

With physical distancing a part of the new normal, in May 2020, the Charles Telfair Centre was launched via an Inaugural Paper series entitled: “Shaping Mauritius’ future post Covid-19”. Using the Centre’s webpage as the main platform of exchange, we publish quality contributions in the format of articles, podcast or webinars on topics pertinent to Mauritius and the region.

We encourage authors and community members to participate in the debates and discussions through our comments section. By creating a space of dynamic and constructive exchanges and debate, we can build new knowledge and understandings.

The Charles Telfair Centre is an evolving project that will continue to grow and adapt to changing circumstances. As we move to a post-pandemic era, the centre will widen and adapt its activities accordingly.

Our Contributors

The Charles Telfair Centre works with a national and international network of thought leaders and academic experts who contribute to our platform by sharing quality research, analyses and experiences from multidisciplinary perspectives. For more information on our contributors, follow this link.

Our Values

Academic Freedom, quality and independence

The Charles Telfair Centre works with a national and international network of thought leaders and academic experts who contribute to our platform by sharing quality research, analyses and experiences from multidisciplinary perspectives. For more information on our contributors, follow this link.


We believe in diversity and collaboration as strong triggers for knowledge development. The Centre encourages collaborative contributions, work and events bringing together diversity of perspectives.

Respect and trust

We want the Charles Telfair Centre to be a safe space anchored on respect and trust. When engaging, we ask our authors, contributors, moderators and community members to respect others and their opinions. We encourage constructive debates that are considerate and help in the advancement of knowledge. We wish to build a culture of trust by encouraging authentic, honest and professional interactions at all times.

Creative Commons

We believe in the unrestricted access to knowledge so it may be shared freely and feed greater knowledge creation. For this reason, all CTC contributions, unless otherwise specified, are published under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-share alike (CC BY-NC-SA). This means that others can re-publish our material for free, that it is for non-commercial purpose and that the author and the Charles Telfair Centre are fully credited. We ask that all our contributions be republished without modification. If you have any questions on republishing our material contact us on

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